2025-2026 Tuition and Financial Aid

This information applies to the 2025-2026 academic year and to new families. New families must complete the Admissions Process before Registration.

Information about tuition and financial aid for the current academic year can be found here.

Please contact admissions@liveoakacademy.org or call 408-355-4787 if you have questions about admissions.

All tuition and fees are non-refundable and not prorated.

Application fees:

Application period and Date Fee
Early: By December 1 $125 per student
Regular: December 1 - March 1 $225 per student
Late: March 1 - July 15 $325 per student

Assessment fees:

Assessment period and Date Full Assessment Fee Single Subject Assessment Fee
Early: By February 1 $0 $0
Regular: February 1 - May 1 $95 $50
Late: May 1 - July 15 $145 $100
Very Late: July 15 - August 1 $195 $150
Current Family reassessment deadline
August 15
N/A $150

For late applications or assessments, course placement is subject to space availability. If space is not available, student might be placed on a wait-list.


Registration Period Fee Tuition Deposit
Mar. 3 - Aug. 1 $350 per student $295 per student

2025-2026 Tuition:

School (grade level) Full-time Students
(5 or more standard courses)
Part-time Students
(price per course)
Kindergarten is offered only as a full program. Part-time enrollment in First or Second grades requires a consultation with the Department Head.
Kindergarten (half-day) $5690 N/A
School of Grammar
(Grades 1-6)
$8540 $2180
School of Logic
(Grades 7-8)
$8950 $2310
School of Rhetoric
(Grades 9-12)
$8950 $2310

If a student drops from full time to part time (from 5 or more standard courses to 4 or less), the price for 4 part time standard courses is more than the price for full time.

Enrichment courses:

Enrichment courses are offered only to LOA students (both full and part time) who have been admitted and registered.

LOA Students enrolled only in enrichment classes must go through the normal registration process, including the Registration/Enrollment Fee of $75 per student.

Enrichment courses are not standard courses and therefore are not included in the count towards the Full Time program.

Course (two semesters) Tuition
* Choir (Elementary or Classic) or PE are free to LOA students who take two standard courses. Both Choir (Elementary or Classic) and PE are free to LOA students who take three or more standard courses.
PE * $350
Choir (Elementary or Classic) * $630
Handbell Ensemble (if offered) $100 (4-6), $200 (7-12)
Vocal Lab $860
Jazz Band $860
Yearbook $260
STEM $380

Elective Courses:

Elective courses are offered to part time LOA students at the following rates. Each elective course counts as one standard course for determining full time status.

Course Tuition
Fine Arts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 $1160
Christian Studies 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 $1160


Unless specifically noted, all fees are non-refundable and not prorated.

Type Fee Notes
AP $175 Fee is payable for each AP class.
Materials $180 Single per-student fee applies to all students.

Exception: If a student takes only one class and that class already has an associated AP or Lab Fee (or both), the $180 Materials fee is waived.
School of Rhetoric Lab $150 Fee is payable for each Rhetoric Science course, in addition to AP and Materials fees.
Study Hall TBD The Study Hall fee will be confirmed at a later date for the 2025-2026 Academic Year.
Blackbaud Tuition Management fees Variable Charged by and paid directly to Blackbaud Tuition Management when needed for administrative support, for follow-up on late payments, for failed payments, etc.
PSP (Private School Satellite Program) $125 per student annual fee plus set up fee Participating in LOA’s PSP is optional.

PSP set-up fee:
- $50 before Oct. 15
- $70 from Oct 16-Dec 31
- $90 on Jan 1st and after

$30 Late PSP attendance fee is charged per late submission.
Class Change $50 per change Applies to each add, withdrawal, or change of status to a student schedule, including a change of status to “audit”.
Payment Plan Change $20 Applies after June 1
Volunteer Service Hours Variable All families are required to participate in the volunteer service program. See Student and Parent handbook for details.

A buy-out option of $500 is available for families who buy out all of their hours by Aug. 31, 2025. After Aug. 31, 2025, the buy out cost is $20/hour or $600 for the year.
Transcripts Variable Standard:
- LOA Standard Official PSP Transcript: No Charge (No changes or additions)
- LOA Standard Non-Official Record of Grades: No Charge (No changes or additions)

Custom transcripts (PSP members only):
- Initial consultation: $50
- Transcript: $50 (includes the creation of a first draft)
- Future transcript additions: $25

Payment plans:

Plan Dates Notes
1-payment plan Due June 30 Full payment must be received by June 30, 2025 to receive a $100 discount per student.
Complete family tuition billed by June 20.
2-payment plan 1st payment due July 1
2nd payment due December 1
9 payment plan Due the first day of each month, starting July 2025 Installment Fee: $20 per transaction

There will be a charge of $20 for changing payment plans after June 1.

Fees and enrichment course tuition are billed in full as soon as possible at beginning of the school year.


Discounts do not apply to fees or enrichment tuition.

Full-time family discount:

  • 2nd student: 10%

  • 3rd student: 20%

  • 4th student: 30%

  • 5th student (or more): 40%

For 3 or more students, largest discount is applied to lowest-priced tuition.

Full Time Christian Ministry Scholarship

Families whose income is primarily supported by someone in full-time Christian ministry may be eligible for a scholarship for all of their students enrolled in the Academy. A letter from the board of the supporting Christian institution will be required. Families will be informed of decision following the completion of the Admissions Process.

Ministry Scholarship Application

Family Scholarship:

Financial need scholarships are also available on a limited basis. When applying, please be sure to include all information requested. Families will be informed of decision following the completion of the Admissions Process.

Deadline for 2025-26 Scholarship Applications: May 8th, 2025

Family Scholarship Application