Student Life
Live Oak Academy offers many opportunities above and beyond our core academic classes. We offer your student ample ways to get involved, build friendships and explore new interests.
Night at the Academy (NATA)
Our most beloved event of the year, NATA provides an opportunity for students from School of Grammar and School of Logic to perform on stage, both individually and in their grade level group. Led and sometimes composed by Academy teachers, these performances of poetry, songs, skits, and dramatizations showcase some of the learning taking place in the classroom as well as individual talents of our student body.
Science Fair
As an extension of classroom instruction, 2nd-12th grade students have the opportunity to put into practice the scientific method to test a hypothesis of their choosing, guided by a well-documented process and teacher oversight. Students present their projects before judges in the classroom. Finalists move on to be judged at the school-wide Science Fair. All student projects are on display at the Science Fair and eligible for awards based on audience votes. This is a festive occasion in which to showcase the varied talents and interests of our science students for friends and extended family to enjoy.
Fine Arts Exhibition
Another special event, held simultaneously with the Science Fair, is our Fine Arts Exhibition, featuring the creative work of our Fine Arts students, grades 2 – 12.
Primary, Elementary, Classic, and Advanced Choir
Our choirs study and rehearse weekly in addition to performing in four concerts throughout the year. Each choir gives students the opportunity to:
develop skills in critical listening and music literacy
understand music history and culture in relation to the pieces studied
practice choral preparation and presentation skills, experiencing the correlation between proper discipline and success
The Advanced Choir also includes a unit in musical theater.
Each class is geared towards building a strong community within the music program, with a culture of trust in each other, pride in accomplishments, passion for the art and love for one another.
It’s all about Jazz
Beginning in fall 2020, students in grades 7 – 12 who are proficient on their instrument can deeply enrich their knowledge and experience with jazz. Four units will cover the roots of jazz, the blues, New Orleans style jazz, and swing. The class will culminate with students’ ability to lead a jazz session and perform with the jazz band during the spring choir concert.
Other Fun Music Opportunities
Also coming, “Open mic” on Fridays! Students will have fun sharing their musical talent. Also, guided jam sessions, led by LOA’s Music Director will be scheduled.
Dance Classes and Christmas Ball
School of Logic and Rhetoric students (7th-12th grade) are invited to enjoy this formal dinner and dance. The evening begins with expert instruction in ballroom dancing and etiquette to ensure all students can participate with confident enjoyment. Many faculty members and parents, as well as students attend this festive event. Eight ballroom dance classes are also offered prior to the Christmas Ball.
Poetry Out Loud
School of Logic and Rhetoric humanities students (grades 9-12) select two poems to memorize and recite in this event, sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts. Winners of the LOA competition move on to the county competition and beyond.
Junior Classical League
Latin students at Live Oak Academy are eligible to join the LOA Chapter of the Junior Classical League and participate in the California Junior Classical League and National Junior Classical League conventions, where they can join other Latin and Greek students from around the state and the country to compete in Certamen (team quiz game on all things classical), earn awards in a wide variety of academic tests and artistic and athletic competitions, as well as participate in workshops on topics related to the ancient world. Advanced Latin students who participate in JCL are also eligible for college scholarships offered by JCL.
Yearbook Committee
School of Rhetoric (9th-12th grade) students are welcome to be a part of the design, planning, and development of our annual yearbook.
Campus Service
Students in grades 9-12 are required to perform weekly campus service. Teams of students carry out brief service assignments that are clearly laid out, supervised, and inspected by faculty members. Most service assignments are completed within fifteen minutes, yet this important work enables us to be good stewards of the facilities God has provided for our use and teaches practical skills, responsibility, and teamwork.
Field Trips
Coordinated and run by parents, LOA students frequently gather for field trips and other fun and educational activities.
Park Days
School of Grammar parents plan monthly park days for fellowship among parents and students alike.