About the Academy
They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor. They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations. - Isaiah 61
We are located in the Northern California Bay Area, serving families in the city of San Jose and surrounding communities. Our campus is located at First Presbyterian Church of Santa Clara, at the intersection of Homestead Road and San Tomas Expressway.
Live Oak Academy is a classical Christian educational service for home school families, providing students with excellent studies within a loving, nurturing environment. Our mission is to foster creativity, maturity, knowledge and wisdom in every area of learning. We emphasize the three stages of educational development that characterize classical education: first, the grammar stage, teaching solid factual foundations; second, the logic stage, focusing on sound reasoning and critical thinking skills; and third, the rhetoric stage, empowering students to express themselves with clarity and confidence.
Christian Foundation
Our Christian faith informs what we teach and practice at Live Oak Academy. We aspire to a vital and saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, as revealed authoritatively in the canonical Scriptures, and as proclaimed in all ages by His Body the Church. As an honorable and substantial basis for Christian agreement, we have chosen the Creed of the ancient unified Church, the Nicene Creed, to be our Corporate confession of faith.
The Academy exists to educate students through a reliable core of substantial subjects, including grammar, mathematics, logic, rhetoric, philosophy, history, Latin, English and world literature, poetry, composition, various sciences, economics, physical education, fine arts, and Christian studies. In addition, all upper school classes are rigorous and college preparatory. Our Advanced Placement® program (AP®) has expanded to fourteen courses. We aim to challenge our students, and we expect them to take vigorous responsibility for their studies.
Our classes are taught by gifted teachers, who are eager to share their knowledge and enthusiasm for learning with their students. Teachers are hired for their teaching skills and knowledge, including parent teachers who are highly educated or possess exceptional skills. Currently, we have 50 teachers on staff.
Enrollment and Class Size
Recognizing the value of small classes, the Academy’s philosophy is to maintain small classes throughout all grades, with Primary grades being the lowest for additional individual attention. The Academy currently enrolls approximately 300 students as follows: Grades K-6, 143 students; grades 7-8, 72 students; grades 9-12, 82 students.
Live Oak Academy began as a home school cooperative in the 1990s. After becoming a non-profit 501(c)3 in 2003, the Academy has steadily increased its course offerings and has “lived” on several campuses in the south Bay Area. The blessing of continuous growth after becoming a registered non-profit has also brought with it a comprehensive curriculum offering in all grades, giving the academy the chance to serve virtually any homeschooling family that is looking for quality assistance in educating its students.
Read the complete history of Live Oak Academy.
Nonprofit Status
Live Oak Academy is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) public benefit corporation in the State of California, organized to provide educational services, to which contributions are tax-deductible; no one collects a profit.