“He who gets wisdom loves his own soul; he who cherishes understanding prospers.”
Schools of Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric at a glance
English Language, Composition, and Literature
Live Oak Academy’s Language Arts courses emphasize the study of classic literature, traditional grammar, and thoughtful composition, with an eye to the true, the good and the beautiful. In the School of Grammar, students are equipped with all the tools needed to become perceptive readers and competent writers. Logic and Rhetoric students build on these skills as they actively engage with the text and read with discernment. As writers and speakers, students in the School of Logic learn to take a position and defend it with well-supported arguments. As they progress through the School of Rhetoric, their arguments increase in complexity as they hone their critical reading and thinking skills.
In School of Grammar (grades K-6), Live Oak Academy gives emphasis to the following: reading, penmanship, spelling, grammar, composition, and period-specific, age-appropriate literature.
The School of Logic (grades 7 and 8) courses focus on language development and usage, analytical writing, and literary analysis. Literature selections correlate with history study for a rich educational experience.
The School of Rhetoric level (grades 9-12) courses emphasize the in-depth study of the “great books” as well as other classic literature which corresponds to what is being studied in history. Students intensively practice their skills as close readers and analytical, persuasive writers.
Grades 1-12 survey World History, and especially Western Civilization from ancient times to the modern day. While attending Live Oak Academy, students will study this history sequence three times, in increasing depth and complexity. At each level, students will be taught to see history as God’s unfolding plan for the world and appreciate His working in the development of civilization. The chronological study of history parallels the study of literature.
Grammar level history emphasizes learning the major people, events, and dates in specific time-periods of world history. This is accomplished through memorization of rhymes, songs, and chants. Each year students are challenged to recall what they have learned in a year-end History Bee.
Logic level history reviews the facts learned in earlier history classes and helps students understand the causes, effects, and connectivity of historical events, people, and locations. Debate, discussion, presentations, and group projects encourage logical reasoning, critical thinking, and oral proficiency.
School of Rhetoric history classes focus on a critical and in-depth study of world and American history, advancing to a survey of intellectual history in the eleventh and twelfth grades. Students apply their reasoning skills as they investigate specific areas of historical interest and complex philosophical questions.
Mathematics displays God’s systematic and orderly nature. Teaching math from a Christian worldview requires that the teacher regularly connect the glory of math and how limitless the study of math can be. As the student transitions from the concrete, grammar stage to the abstract, logic and rhetoric stages of math, students should be taught from the perspective that God created an orderly universe, and that math reflects that order.
School of Grammar math ensures that students have a thorough mastery in basic mathematical language and computational skills. Students develop an understanding of mathematical concepts through practical problem-solving, using concrete, verbal, written, and abstract models.
School of Logic math students learn to communicate logical relationships in mathematical systems, unknown values through the use of signs, symbols, models, graphs, and mathematical terms.
School of Rhetoric level students gather data, analyze evidence, and build arguments to support or refute mathematical hypotheses. Students are taught that because of God’s inherent order, which in turn makes it possible to hypothesize and experiment, guided inquiry will reveal and connect the intrinsic laws, systems, and truths of God’s creation.
The belief that science is a reflection of God’s incredible complexity and design forms the core of Live Oak Academy’s science curriculum. In their exploration of science and its laws, students also are encouraged to understand theories and conclusions, guided by the belief that God provides insight into His creation. Through each stage of growth, students will be taught to explore the wonders of God’s handiwork that reveals the seen and unseen.
School of Grammar science students accumulate facts and develop their concrete thinking through classification and familiarization of the world around us, applying the natural curiosity of learners.
Both Schools of Grammar and Logic science courses incorporate the study of the history of science and of the scientists who have contributed to the foundations of science and discovery as they have been passed down to us.
Schools of Logic and Rhetoric students intensify their focus on and application of the process of experimentation, demonstration and research to discover the nature of scientific investigation. At the Logic level, students focus their efforts on the organization and analysis of facts.
School of Rhetoric students discover and measure the available means of data to analyze, derive and persuade others in their conclusions as they compare their developing understanding to the Word of God in consideration of the truth of God’s creation. Their focus is on interpretation, theory, and communication of scientific conclusions.
Classical and Foreign Languages
As a classical academy, training in Latin at Live Oak Academy is both a means to an end and an end in itself. Students acquire valuable knowledge about the structures of language and syntax, and their study of Latin vocabulary also enhances their ability to understand word roots in English and other derivative languages. For a fuller explanation of why Latin is inherent to the purposes of a classical education, see Why Learn Latin?
School of Grammar Latin courses focus on the basic structures of Latin and feature an extensive introduction to Latin nouns and verbs. Students are beginning to acquire Latin vocabulary as a foundation for their continued study and they practice memorization and recitation as they acquire Latin paradigms. They are also introduced to stories from the classical world that are morally edifying and that capture their imaginations.
School of Logic Latin students continue their study of Latin in the traditional Logic/Rhetoric Latin sequence, and at this level, they solidify their foundation in Latin grammar and morphology to be able to advance to an intermediate reading level. They begin to read ancient authors whose Latin has been edited for their comprehension, but in such a way that they can begin to consider more carefully the meanings of the texts.
At the School of Rhetoric level, students can progress from Latin I through the AP® level, focusing first on foundations, then an intermediate reading ability, and then reading proficiency that allows them to engage critically with the texts and authors introduced in the advanced Latin IV and AP courses. At this level, their vocabulary mastery is expanding to allow more sight-reading of authors, as opposed to translation. The rich historical and cultural contexts of the readings form another aspect of the course content at this level.
Christian Studies
The teaching of Christian virtues and Bible memorization start from the beginning, in kindergarten and the primary grades. In grades 4-6 a three-year Bible survey course is taught, covering the people, events, and geography of the Old and New Testaments, and deepening the students’ understanding of familiar Bible stories. In grades 7-8, students explore the Biblical and logical foundations for Christian doctrine and belief. Finally, in the School of Rhetoric, students study Biblical exegesis and the skill of Christian apologetics.
Fine Arts
Our purpose in teaching Fine Arts is to foster in our students a love for what is good, true, and beautiful, as befits a classical Christian and liberal arts education. Participation in Fine Arts is encouraged at Live Oak, with classes being offered in music and the visual arts.
Music instruction begins in the School of Grammar, where the foundations of music literacy and choral singing are established in the Primary Choir (grades 1 & 2) and Elementary Choir (grades 3-6). Choral ensembles in the upper grades build on this foundation. Opportunities for playing in instrumental ensembles are available in our Jazz Band (grades 7-12) and Handchime Ensemble. Two to four concerts are presented each year.
Art projects, art instruction, and art appreciation are incorporated into the curriculum in various ways throughout grades K-6. Fine Arts 7 and 8 explore, in-depth, a variety of media that might include painting, sculpture, fiber, book arts, drawing, cartooning, clay, glass art, photography, and digital media. Studio Art 1 and Studio Art 2 are offered to high school students who meet the pre-requisites or where eligibility is determined.