Melody Goh won first prize 🥇 in Category 2 (for ages 11-14) in HSLDA’s annual essay contest.
Here is the prompt for the essays:
Category 2 (ages 11–14)
Imagine that you are a tour guide in your community. You get to pick three local sights or other noteworthy
things to show to tourists. What do you choose? In an essay, explain why these three things are worthy of
being included in your tour.
The first things you think of will probably be the popular, exciting places in your community, but don’t
overlook things that are noteworthy in a different way. Finding the hidden treasures as well as the obvious
will increase your appreciation for where you live.
Congratulations, Melody. A superb achievement.
Look for Melody's essay in the Category 2 section on the HSLDA Essay Contest page.